About US

Our Team

A community of Filipino homemakers around the globe who aims to strengthen families and communities through self-development programs, home management tools, and community services.

In the second quarter of 2018, a group of Filipino mommy bloggers started an online community for Filipina moms. The group’s focus was to empower its members and get them ready not just to survive but strive for motherhood. By the end of that same year, the group managed and hosted a self-enhancement workshop for its select social media followers. Beyond teaching basic makeup, the workshop targeted to let each participant grow and discover themselves through beauty and self-care. The group’s online community, on the other hand, continuously moderate discussions and share tips about homemaking management, self-development, and family care. Everyone in the community shares stories and develops solutions to make family life better. From these humble beginnings, The Filipino Homemakers grows.

Community Managers



Editorial Head | @momiberlin

Berlin is a writer with 20 years of progressive experience in the field of marketing and communications. She decides to work freelance and apply her marketing and communications know-how in crafting comprehensive and humanized content and campaign strategies for the community.



Managing Head | @katsantiagoph

Kat is a hands-on leader with more than 15 years of experience in Human Resources and Customer Service. As the Managing Head of The Filipino Homemakers, she provides guidance to all core leaders and community members. She ensures the timely implementation of all strategic plans, maintaining an open dialogue with both core leaders and community members, and driving organizational success.














We take pride in each community member who continuously shares and inspires each other to appreciate, enjoy, and live life despite its pressures. Together, we aim to grow the community and empower each member guided by its core values.

Our guide


The Filipino Homemakers is a community by and for the Filipino homemakers that serve as a catalyst in the holistic development of homemakers towards a happy, fulfilled, and value-driven life.  


The Filipino Homemakers offers well-thought masterclasses and enrichment courses, ideally crafted homemaking tools, and awe-inspiring digital copies all geared to empower homemakers to be confident, responsive, dignified, nurturing, and influential. 

Core Values

The Filipino Homemakers is a community by and for the Filipino homemakers guided by these core values: 

A commitment for excellence (to self) 

We always aim to think ahead and level up ourselves in this game of life. We always act to lead the way forward.

A commitment to giving back (to the community) 

We always believe that charity begins at our backyard, let it spread exponentially, and inspire everyone it touches.

A commitment to integrity (to the world) 

We strive in our thoughts, words, and actions to practice the consistent and uncompromising observance of honesty, truthfulness, and strict moral and ethical values.

our Work

The Filipino Homemakers Store provides products and services every homemaker needs to help care for themselves and manage their homes and families. We also help brands reach more customers through content creation, graphic design, and online marketing.

Digital Products

From recipes to self-help, our E-books are favorites of every homemaker.


Carefully crafted by homemakers for the homemakers.

Online Marketing and Content Creation

Reach more customers through our content creators and influencers


Learn new skills to help you care for your home, family, and self.


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